A poem about a person who seeks personal growth over the matters of the heart.

“All of your mind, body and heart must act as one. With this unity, you create self-love. When you have self-love, only then can you truly love someone else.”-Eric James
Eric James, October 2021, DistilleXinc2021
His heart removed his mind, which now awaits due process
The eagerness of the outcome left his heart dwindling in fear
The fear of him not returning to who he was
Sadly, he does not want to be who he were
His mind wants to make progress
Despite what his heart believes, its expiration is near
In spite, his heart regressed, just because
In hopes, it would bring him back to her
He has become a profound shell of himself
The once vast depth of his mind is now a hermit
Forced out to seek what is lost
The vanishing space of his peculiar home
It is now a must to surge through billowy clouds without help
Guidance is a setback; his mind would throw a fit
His lack of freedom is what led to his domicile laden by frost
His mind proclaims it must travel unescorted for a thousand miles
The indecisiveness of either discovering a grander home
Or heaving out the denizens who seized his domain
Is only to be determined by him
The continuation of his mind is governed by the verdict he seeks.
He must become Hippocrates, heal within as he roam
The natural world must be his propane
That fuels the heat to disintegrate the frost within him
Although, to build a new home within may take weeks.
His mind has just enough might stored
For him to share this might to reach his resolve
For his heart challenges this fight and journey
She just hungers for him to remain who he are
She hopes her love leads to him to take the bait
To return with no growth, no evolution
For if his mind evolves enough to create love
She will be reduced to just an organ rather than a feeling
His mind has succumbed to her too many times
The evolution was this turning point
His mind vacating her to seek autonomy
Is the verdict his heart hopes to prevent
The battle has already been lost
The battle has already been won
The heart must understand
When the mind finds itself it will return

@DistilleXinc2021 #Poetry #ANimbleHeartPrickedByABee #PersonalGrowth #SelfLove #DivineLessons #Unity